All Intro Classes are Free of Charge! Nervous? Almost all beginners are. Rest assured this class is for YOU - people of all shapes, sizes, ages and ability levels. You're not too much or too little of anything! Come and have fun while I introduce you to the magic, mystery, and sheer FUN of dancing in your own body, just as you are. I will teach you some simple moves to string together, and by the end of our hour together, you will be dancing! Give me an hour, and I'll give you a chance to see what its like to be a Belly Dancer! If you've had fun, you are welcome to join the beginner dance classes that start the following week! No special clothing required. I'll have hip scarves for you to borrow. And no - you don't have to show any skin! All shapes, sizes, ages and ability levels welcome and encouraged. GRANTHAM with Michelle: FIRST CLASS RISK-FREE on Monday, January 7, 6:15-7:25 pm, at the Grantham Village School, 75 Learning Drive, Grantham, NH.